Lifetime Extension

Do you want to fully exploit the economic potential of your wind turbine or wind farm and rely on certified continued operation after the design lifetime has expired?

As a pioneer in the field of lifetime extension, WindGuard Certification introduced the certificate for continued operation back in 2014 and became the world's first to offer this service with accreditation by the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS). With our many years of experience, we can offer you custom-fit solutions for all turbine types on the market, depending on the utilisation horizon and continued operation concept required. Our assessments are recognised by the relevant licencing authorities.

A prerequisite for continued operation is the certification that your wind turbine can also be operated safely in the future. This is important as the type certificate only proves the structural integrity of your turbine for the design service life of 20 years. Turbine manufacturers and maintenance companies also require proof that a turbine is safe when inspections or repairs are carried out.

Our experts check whether your plant continues to comply with all applicable directives even after the design service life has expired. This test procedure is also suitable for systems whose manufacturers are no longer present in the market.

The lifetime extension evaluation consists of a practical and an analytical part.

The practical part: Inspection of your wind turbine

The inspection procedure follows the "Principles for the Recurring Inspection of Wind Turbines" from the German Wind Energy Association (BWE). To conduct the inspections to the highest possible standard, WindGuard Certification works with the experienced inspection body of the WindGuard Group or other qualified service providers.

The inspection not only covers the requirements of the periodic inspection (WKP), but also includes the analysis of previously identified weak areas. Optionally, we also offer you transmission endoscopy, oil analysis, condition monitoring and other additional services as required. In this way, we give you certainty about the technical condition of your system.

The analytical part: Determining the expected service life of your system

When calculating the lifetime extension of your wind turbine, WindGuard Certification follows the guideline of the German Institute for Structural Engineering (DIBt) as well as the "Principles for carrying out an assessment and testing on the further operation of onshore wind turbines (BPW)" from the German Wind Energy Association (BWE).

All analytical calculations are based on aeroelastic simulation using adapted generic turbine models. In addition to the up-to-date operating data from the turbine's operating life, we also take into account the farm configuration, additions and removals in the past, or components that have already been replaced. With the help of this information, we determine how the actual conditions at the site have influenced the service life compared to the assumptions in the type certificate.

For complex sites and analytically exhausted wind turbines, we extend the forecast reliability on request by processing model-normalised vibration measurement data.

Already thinking about the future operation of your wind turbine?

Whether you continue to operate your wind turbine or possibly dismantle and sell it depends upon a number of factors. If you would like a sound basis for decision-making at an early stage, with WindGuard Certification you can bring forward the analytical part of the continued operation assessment by two to three years. The opinions of our experts provide you with planning security for the future.

Would you like more information or an individual offer? Simply contact Dr. Gerrit Eilers.

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